Sunday, November 16, 2014

Happy Birthday in Chinese
Sean is in first grade. His second year of Chinese immersion. Here kids from his class sing happy birthday.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kindergarten field trip

ALL four kindergarten classes took two school buses to Wheeler Farm for an end of the year field trip.

Riding the wagon

Today was Lin Lao Shi's last day. She is moving to California tomorrow. She has been a really great teacher and will me missed!

Riding in the bus. The kids were excited it was their first time riding in a school bus.

Friday, May 23, 2014

End of Kindergarten

I can hardly believe it but kindergarten is over. Next week he has a field trip, field day and clean up the classroom day. It's been a great year and I am 100% satisfied with the dual immersion experience. We made the right decision!

These are some of the paper's Sean brought home today. Sean really prefers speaking Chinese over writing Chinese.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chinese New Year Program

The Kindergarten kids were so cute. This is the dress rehearsal for the Chinese New Year Program
 Today was the dress rehearsal at the school. The program is Friday night. I only got pictures of the kindergarten. I didn't stay for the entire program because I will see it all on Friday.